
Privacy Policy


Customer’s privacy is very important to us, and we are strongly committed to protecting your personal information. PerfectSight will only gather, record, hold, store, disclose, transfer and use your personal information as outlined below. We shall therefore only collect and use your personal information abiding by this Privacy Policy.


How We Collect Your Personal Information

When you visit our website, you can remain anonymous until you sign up with your social media account, or create a PerfectSight account. In these cases, we need to collect and use your personal information in order to offer you best service and assistance. Once you provide us with your personal information, we will keep it confidential.

When you create a PerfectSight account, please be prepared for the following information:

Your name

Email address

Phone number

Mailing address

Please make sure that the information you enter is accurate and most recent. You can also update your information in your account at any time.

If your personal information is provided by any third party, we assume that you have given us your consent to collect and use your information. For example, if you sign up or connect your PerfectSight account with your social media account, we assume that you give us access to your personal information.


How We Use Your Personal Information

To provide our customers with better service, we use your personal information to assist you professionally. Your personal information will be used in the following situations:

To create a PerfectSight account

To place an order

To enter your payment information, including your name, billing address, shipping address, email, phone number, card number, expiration date, and other payment-related information

To receive customer service through email, phone or website chat requires personal information, including your name, order number, shipping confirmation number, email address, phone number, etc.

To send you our updated information, including business promotions, new website features, updated policies, and other customer-friendly information

To give us feedback


How to Access and Update Your Personal Information

You can access and update your personal information by logging in to your PerfectSight account with username and password. Once you log in to your account, you will be able to see details of your orders. You can also contact our customer service representative to update your information for you. Remember to log out if you finish using our service, so that your information can remain confidential.


How We Secure Your Personal Information

PerfectSight ensures safety of all information we collect. We protect your personal information by:

Restricting access to our personal information database

Applying technology service to prevent unauthorized computer access

Destroying personal information after legal or business use

To guarantee the safety of your account, please combine numbers, letters and special characters to set your password. Do not share your PerfectSight password with other people. If you do, you will be responsible for the consequences. Change your password immediately or contact our customer service representative if you feel your password has been insecure or given away. Remember to log out and close the browser after use in a public computer.


How to Erase Your Personal Data

If you want to permanently delete your account (including Email and associated social media accounts) and erase all personal data, kindly follow these steps:


Log in to your account

Go to My Account > Account Settings > Security

Click the Delete Account button and follow the prompts

Please note that deleting your online PerfectSight account will also permanently delete any information you uploaded to it. All benefits and discounts associated with your PerfectSight account will also be deleted. Contact our Customer Support Team at if you have any questions or concerns regarding deleting your account.


Cookies and Spyware

Spyware is not allowed on our website. Please do not send any messages containing spams, spyware or virus through our website. Contact us if you would like to report any suspicious messages.

We use 'cookies', which are files stored in your computer browser, to help us identify account holders. We recommend that you leave cookies to be 'turned on' to optimize your shopping experience. You may occasionally get cookies from some other companies advertising ‘on our behalf’. Please remember that we do not have control over those cookies. Delete them if necessary.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to our Privacy Policy at any time.


Third-party Agents

We have third-party agents, such as Google, to publish our ads on the internet. You may opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google Advertising Opt-Out Page. More information about the use of cookies is available at Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out Page. We may also use Google Display Network or DoubleClick for advertising on our website. These third-party agents are contractually obligated to keep your personal Information secure and confidential. They are restricted from using, selling, distributing or altering your personal information.


Transactional partners

We occasionally share non-personal information with our partners for market surveys. For example, we may share with them the number of users who visit or purchase on our Website during a specific time period.


Emergency Situations

We may use or disclose your personal Information in the following emergency situations:

To comply with the law and other legal processes

To protect the safety of our website, our users, agents and employees.

We reserve the right to explain the use of your personal information in other kinds of emergency.